Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Mystic Mind .......

Mind is playing all this game; without mind nothing is possible. Mind is giving you time, mind is giving you sensations, mind is giving you objects, mind is giving you diseases and even subject; you are also product of mind.
Bhgagwad Geeta says, “In our body we perceive through five sense organs and mind is the essential ingredient to perceive all objects”. No sense organ can work without mind. Let’s take an example from our daily life. Suppose you are looking at a beautiful scene; now just concentrate on the process of vision; eyes and a scene; your eye perceives the beautiful scene with the help of mind because there is mind in between your eye and that scene. Here if you distract the mind from your eye and scene, the process of looking will be ended. Now eye is there, scene is there but mind is not there that’s why transmission of that particular image to the brain is not possible. Same is true for other senses too.
Mind has manifesting power too. You can manifest any object with the help of subject (you) and mind. This process of manifestation is works on visualization of particular object on our ‘Chidakasha’; the mental screen. First we decide the object to be manifested and then we start visualization of that object on our mental screen. Visualization must in 3-dimensional way and should be colorful. Before doing this process subject must be passes through some yogic processes like tattwa suddhi (purification of different level of mind). Mind will definitely bring that particular object from mental screen to your physical world.  
In this same way we are manifesting our diseases. Diseases are actually mental patterns which you have to follow as per mystic principle of the nature and this also true that these mental patterns are created by you in your brain. Mental patterns are the in form of images or pictures stored in your brain house and mind which is manifesting; takes those images from your store house and manifest it on your body and in your life. 
So in this way we can control everything, every happening in our life by understanding the mystic nature of mind. There are some yogic meditations and processes which reveal you mystic powers of mind and with the help of those processes we can understand and even control this great principle.
Hari Om Tat Sat !

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and Yoga Nidra

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and Yoga Nidra

Hypertension and its complications are a leading cause of death in modern societies. To date, anti hypertensive drug therapy has been the only effective form of management. Unfortunately, the drug regimes available are by no means ideal. They cause major side effects in many patients, risk of dangerous consequences and a shortened life span. In this light, the emergence of Yoga Nidra relaxations a safe, effective and inexpensive treatment for mild to moderate hypertension is most encouraging both for doctor and the community at large.
The effectiveness of Yoga Nidra in lowering the elevated blood pressure levels of hypertensive patients has been validated in numerous clinical studies. The practice is now widely prescribed by doctors in several countries.
Yoga Nidra therapy adopted either alone or an adjunct therapy, has been found to reduce systolic readings (SBP) by an average of 15-20 mm Hg and diastolic readings (DBP) by 10 mm Hg. This will generally happened after 3 week of daily guided practice of yoga Nidra. As a result newly diagnosed and asymptomatic hypertensive are now frequently capable of restoring their blood pressure to acceptable limit without having to resort to antihypertensive drugs and medications, whole side effects, such as sleep disturbance, depression and male impotency, can be severe and disabling enough to preclude their use.

Recent Studies

Recent study conducted at the standford University School of medicine (USA) demonstrated that the drop in blood pressure induced by daily Yoga Nidra practice has a far reaching effect, extending throughout the day and is not merely a transient effect coincide with the practice session.
Another controlled study, which was conducted at the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute in California, found that reductions in blood pressure and anxiety levels in hypertensive patients continued for 12 months after Yoga Nidra training.
In one of the most significant investigations thus far, a team of researcher from the Department of Cardiology, K.E.M. Hospital Mumbai, led by Dr. K.K.Datey, evaluated the effect of relaxation practice on hypertension. The patients were taught the preliminary form of Yoga Nidra.
The majority of patients showed definite symptomatic improvement after 3 weeks’ training. Headache, giddiness, nervousness, irritability and insomnia disappeared in almost everyone. Significant decrease in blood pressure was obtained in 52% of patients.
The researchers concluded that this therapy opens a new avenue in the management of hypertension. Full study is also available. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Technology of "Karma"

Karma is your actions; what are you doing in your daily life and what you are bound to do in your life. Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta says, “Soul travels with mind, intellect and samskara or mental patterns” and according to the samskara stored in the mind one lives its life. Samaskara are actually mental patterns which are stored in form of images or pictures in store house of mind.
All yogic processes or meditations or tantric sidihis are to erase these mental patterns. Because of these mental patterns everyone is bound to live a particular life and can never be free out of that. Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta says that a desire bound the soul with the human body and tantra says with the help of a single desire one create a mental pattern and with the help of that particular mental pattern one lives his life accordingly and one samskara or mental pattern creates other mental patterns and this process is going on. One life end; soul travel with stored mental patterns and again with new life started with the previous stored samskara.
In this way a soul strucked into endless process of births and cannot entertained its free state. Now question is that how one can comes out of the endless process mean how one can erase these mental patterns form its mind.
Tantra gives a very beautiful solution. Tantra works on science of yantra and mantra. Yantra is a particular image and mantra is a particular sound. Tantra says a mental pattern can be erased  with the help of other strong mental pattern. It means a mental image can be erased with other mental image. In tantra techniques or sidhis a particular yantra is given to the subconscious level of mind. These yantra which are given with particular sound pattern have power to erase these stored mental patterns.
Therefore all yantras, mantra and idol are to erase the particular mental pattern and ultimately give one a state of nil mental patterns which you can say is “Moksha”. There are so many techniques to do erase these mental patterns. Yoga Nidra, Guided Chakra Meditation, Tattwa Suddhi are some examples on which we are carrying research.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rose Meditation

Rose Meditation

I am working on rose meditation technique. I want to use mind to develop or create fragrance of rose flower by just keeping pic of rose in mind.

By keeping picture of rose on mind or by putting our mind on picture of rose; our mind will start manifesting fragrance of rose. It is properties of mind that it with the help of time is creating every aspect of life.

What exactly to do :-

1. Sit in a comfortable posture
2. Take your awareness to the point between two eyebrows; Agya Chakra
3. Chant Mantra ॐ three times.
4. Did Nadi Shodhan Pranayaam 5 rounds
5. Ujjayayi Pranayaam - 5 minute
6. Bhramari Pranayaam - 5 rounds
7. ॐ Chanting 51 times. Gazing at Agya or Ajna Chakra internally.
8. Now actually there is a need of a 35 minute Yoga Nidra Therapy
9. Did Mediation for 15 minute
10. Now Did meditation on Rose. Think about picture of Rose flower
11. Visualize Rose flower on your mental screen; Chidakasha
12. Concentrate on Rose Flower by visualizing exact image of the rose.
13. After that fragrance of Rose automatically started.

This wonderful and experienced.   

Our past, present and future are part of time. This time is a part of mind. Past, Present and future are three states of a time frame. It mean these three states are always happening in one; one which is holding all this happenings. Confusion or illusion is there. This is due to phenomenon of motion and time. 

Everything is happening in the same moment. I want to say; if we can see out of this particular framework than we can see all events of past, present and future are happening at the same time. Mahatma Buddha is entering at the same time and child who is born right now is also entering the same time. This create a confusion; but this is true.  

Stefen Hawkins says; if a aircraft with the speed nearby to that of light starts revolving around a planet and keeps on rotating for next 5 years and after that when it will landed on our planet earth at that time we shall had traveled more than 20 year. 

Same type of stories are also written in our Hindu scriptures; in Bhagwad, Devi Bhagwad, Ramayana, Yoga Vasishtha. There are so many stories related to time and timelessness. Some saints or monk did tapasya (Special kind of meditation) for 2000 of years. This tapasya of 2000 years had been done with in limited period of time; within 2-3 years only. Its amazing. 

Our mind is playing this game. It is mind which is creating all material around us. There is more .....I shall be continue.....with this mystic .....

Keep in mind - I am talking about mind not about brain.

Yoga Nidra – Yoga nidra is a scientific technique for complete relaxation. In yoga nidra we first touches our subsonscious mind and than after complete relaxation rounds we can touch the super conscious level very easily.
Tattwa Suddhi – This is a process of transforming the body into energy and ultimately into super consciousness and than back to the body. This is done with vedic mantra and yantra.
The complete course may comprises of Matra, Asana, Pranayaam, yantra, Om Meditation, Chakra vibrations, Yoga Nidra, Deep Meditation, Tattwa Suddhi.
Main Features
           Yogic Life Style
·         Enhancement of Mind Power
·         Sharp Memory
·         Good Habits Implementation
·         Complete Health Solution
·         Develop keen interest in your daily routine activities
·         Deep Meditation
·         Complete body Relaxation 
·         100 % Scientific with Vedic methodology

Note :-
       Yoga Manual for the complete will be given to each Sadhak.
2.    “Spiritually Abhimantrit Jal” to each Sadhak.
3.    “Ang Vastar” to each Sadhak

Donation :  Rs. 1000.00 per participant.

Duration: 3 days 3 Hours a day

E-mail id :-

Attention :- Please bring one fresh water bottle for mantra therapy.

Please bring your water bottle, your yoga mat with you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What is Yoga Nidra ?

Yoga nidra is a very powerful technique to touch the super consciousness. It is a definite way to go into deep meditation. In tantra it is called as process of pratyahara. It helps us to control or  withdraw all five senses. This is a scientific technique. It gives one 100% releif. After doing yoga nidra state of deep meditation is automatically achieved.

Taste of very deep state of meditation automatically comes there is no need to do any afford to do anything. One just has to follow a guided set of instructions. After the end every one went to very deep.

It is done in shavaasna. Before the start of yoga nidra; some special mantra chanting and pranayaam are also favorable.  

You can do yoga nidra with any type of yoga that you are doing earlier. This certainly will boost the yoga practice you are doing earlier.

Yoga Nidra can be done with Kriya Yoga, Tattwa Suddhi, Kundalini Yoga, Chakra Meditation. In my classes I ever uses yoga nidra with Tattwa Suddhi and its result is wonderful.

Yoga Nidra comprises of the secrets of total transformation which give a real positive direction to our life and eliminate the root cause of all negativities like stress related disorders, ailments like hypertension, depression, insomnia, asthma, digestive disorders, etc which drain our life energy. It is the key to penetrate the latent realms of mind, and train the mental faculties to access the immeasurable powers of the subconscious and unconscious mind.

In yoga nidra, you not only enjoy the complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation but also get to explore the tremendous powers hidden in the deeper layers of subconscious and unconscious mind.

In the deep relaxation state of yoga nidra, the mind is in a state between sleep and wakefulness and its receptivity is many times more than its receptivity in wakeful state. The secret is that the subconscious mind is at front in this state while the conscious mind takes the back seat. The subconscious mind is a very obedient disciple and immediately carries out the orders that you put to it. By practicing yoga nidra you can completely train your subconscious mind. Then the ordinary conscious mind and intellect will follow the suit. The subconscious and the unconscious mind are the most powerful forces in the human being. In yoga nidra you learn how to access these powerful forces to gain knowledge, cure diseases, increase creativity, and to realize your true self.

Yoga & Meditation Sessions

Hari Om Tat Sat !
Dear Atman or Divine Souls !

This is Acharya Harish.

Following are the sessions which I am taking at present.

1. Yoga Nidra & Mantra - 2 Hours
2. Yoga Nidra & Tattwa Suddhi - 6 hours - 3 days
3. Yoga Nidra, Mantra and Chakra Meditation - 6 hours - 3 days
4. Yoag Nidra & Cosmic Vibration Meditation with Mantra - 6 hours - 3 days

Contact mail is -

Contact number - +91-98-126-67000

Tattwa Suddhi Meditation !

This is a meditation technique develped with vedic study and medical research. One can easily travel out of the body with guided set of instructions. You have to do nothing but just have to follow some instructions and definitely you will feel bodyless state.

This meditation is done is position of Shava Asana. Body is divided into five parts and each part is associated with a tattwa. Yantra of each tattwa is placed with vedic mantra. After that; process of transformation is started; which takes you finally to super consciousness.

This is done with powerful technique of Yoga Nidra; yoga nidra is a process of pratyahara.

Wonderful experience of bode lessness reported by different sadhaka.

Complete Session - 3 days - 6 Hours a day !

Cosmic Vibration Meditation !

Cosmic Vibration Meditation !

This is a totally new technique of meditation with which one can immediately see effect of it on its body. It is wonderful and 100% result oriented. It is given with Vedic mantra, Vedic Yantra and yoga nidra. 

One can activate kundalini with the help of Cosmic Vibration Meditation. Its immediate effects of chakra are really wonderful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is Samadhi ?

Samadhi ?

There are four stages to attain samadhi.

1. Pratyahara
2. Dharna 
3. Dhayana
4. Samadhi

Pratyahara is withdrawal of all senses and this can be achieved very easily with the help of Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is the super best remedy to attain pratyahara.

Dharna is concentration of mind. This can be achieved by tratka or chidakasha vidya and advance yoga nidra practice.

Dhayana is meditation and it happens automatically.

Samadhi is also called turya state it mean attune oneself with super consciousness. Attune oneself with one.