Monday, February 27, 2012

Chakra - Important Tips

Chakra are rotating at different speeds in different directions. This is much important to know about the direction of a chakra. Because after knowing about direction we can work on speed of a chakra.

In chakra meditation we just put our awareness or mind on a particular chakra and after some time that particular chakra started activated. Here below I am giving details.

Mooladhara - Anti-Clockwise

Swadhisthana - Clockwise

Manipura - Anti-Clockwise

Anahata - Clockwise

Vishudhi - Anti-Clockwise

Ajna - Clockwise

Sahastra - Anti-Clockwise

Now if we work on different chakras as per their directions of rotation it will gives us immediate results.

Which chakra is more active in you. You can ask me. You just have to send your latest picture and your consent.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is awareness !

Through the awareness you know you are; I know I am and I am aware I am speaking just as you are aware that you are listening. But this awareness is completely dormant in animals. At gross level we understand this awareness through our senses. Now think over a situation; what happened when we leave this body. Is it possible that awareness, as far as its function are concerned, could be made free and independent from this instrument; the human body. I want to say that is it possible that awareness could function without any medium; I could know without mind, see without eyes and hear without ears. Is it possible that every form of knowledge could develop with without depending on material instrument.

There have been people in every period of history who were able to know things without any medium. We can also learn about this medium within us.

Yoga can help us. Yoga mean union; to unite with that one. Every aspect of yoga is helpful hatha yoga, pranayaam, meditation, yoga nidra every thing. We can achieve this awareness with yoga. We can feel this awareness without a body. Yoga can taught us every thing.....