Monday, May 2, 2011

Let’s be a Soul! ----------------------Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta

Soul! As said in Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta is an integral part of the almighty.  Soul has some properties; neither be created nor destroyed, cannot be fired, cannot be cut into pieces. Water, air and all other chemicals can not have any effect on the soul. It is further said in Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta that no one cannot think on soul an it cannot be described. 
As said in Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta; a soul in human body is due to some properties of nature; prakrity. Now come to the main topic. What will be happen if one considers himself a soul? What will be the aim of a soul? What will be mission of a soul in a human body? See both; a human body & a soul have different tastes. Soul is a part of almighty. So its aim must be uniting with the almighty. It has to escape from human body after having some achievement from it.  Soul is really a different type of entity. It doesn’t resemble any other thing this universe.  So anything in this universe cannot be a mission of a soul. Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta says main mission of a soul in human body is to be out of system of three gunnas of nature and mind. Actually main fight is between nature’s gunnas and mind. A soul is a witness for that. But it has to pass out nature’s gunnas to escape. 
On the other hand a human body have different kind of material attractions. There may be lot of aims for a human body. This is because of lot of options are there. Human body have eyes to look beautiful scenes and other worldly things; so it can be an aim of a human body. Human body have mouth to speak, a tongue to taste. These can be an aim of a human body. Sex pleasures may have an aim of a human body. Mean there may be lot of aims depending upon the nature and personality of a human body. 
So, this is the soul which has to manage its escape by keeping in mind nature of human body. It might be possible that mind and nature’s gunnas may bring the soul with them and put the soul in materialistic attractions. It generally happened. It is the soul which has to create awareness. Definitely without soul a human body is not workable, is said dead. But in a human body a soul has so many challenges. First and utmost challenge is keeping awareness of itself. Which not quite easy and also not quite difficult. Main thing is that it must have understanding of nature’s properties and mechanism of mind. It is said in Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta that a soul is most powerful among senses, mind and intelligence. So a soul can have a control over mind. This may be the main tool of its escape. So, one should always try to be a soul not a human body................

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