Sunday, July 24, 2016

Correlation between Self-realization and Siddhis

There is no correlation between Self-realization and siddhis. The ignorance takes one to the path of Siddhis. Siddhis belong to the realm of ignorance only. Maharishi Vasistha says in Yogavasistha – “The siddhis or occult powers are attained through means of ‘dravya’, ‘mantra’, ‘Kriya’ and ‘kala’. The one who is ignorant of self alone indulges in these practices for attaining siddhis, never the knower of self, who always perceives the Self by the Self. The one who ever-revels in the self, by the self never comes under the sway of ignorance. The much admired siddhis that are attained by drvya, mantra, kriya and kala are in no way helpful in the attainment of Self-hood”

Siddhis attained are meant for world and worldly elements only and a Self-realized individual is beyond the word and worldly elements. 

1 comment:

Mindvalley said...

What a great and, of course, well written blog. It`s so useful.