Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Meditation and brain waves

Meditation and brain waves
It is a widely known fact that meditation plays an important role in improving both our physical and mental health. It is obvious that meditation also affects our brain. Our brain uses electromagnetic energy to function and this electrical activity of the brain is displayed in the form of brain waves. Meditation causes an alteration in these brain waves.

How Does Meditation Affect Our Brain Waves?

When we are in a state of meditation, our brain waves pass through different phases of relaxation. Whether in a state of rest, activity or sleep, our brain always displays some level of electrical activity. The frequency and location of electrical brain waves is measured with the help of EEG (electroencephalography) electrodes, which are placed in standard areas of the scalp using a custom-made hat.
Each frequency, measured in cycles per second (Hz), has its own set of characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity and hence a unique state of consciousness.
Beta (12-30Hz): Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logic and critical reasoning. As you go about your daily activities you are at Beta. Although important for effectively functioning in everyday life, higher Beta levels translate into stress, anxiety and restlessness. With the majority of adults primarily operating at Beta during their waking hours it is little wonder that stress is today’s most common health problem. The voice of Beta is the little nagging chatterbox of your inner critic, which becomes louder and more relentless the higher you go in the range.

My 'I-ness'

I am not the thought and so I am not the mind. I am the divine energy only. My infiniteness is limited to my body. Now I can work through senses only. My energy, my ‘I-ness’ is working through senses. Thoughts are also energy and mind is based on these thoughts.  My mind, my thoughts cannot run without my ‘I-ness’, my energy.
Thoughts need energy to run and definitely need energy from a source. Their source of energy is my ‘I-ness’. I am allowing thoughts to exist and mind to exist. I am allowing matter to exist around me. Everything around me is my own creation. There is nature around me which is helping me to create matter and simultaneously this nature binding me with the material too. My own energy is overtaking me and trying to take my ownership and it takes it most of the time but because of its dependence on its origin, ‘my I-ness’ it continuous needs energy. It means realm of mind cannot be sustained and exist without ‘my I-ness’.
There are some other hidden machines in the body. These are chakras. These are subtle. These are nano machines made up of divine energy. One function of these machines is to manifest material world around. Energy in form of desires went to different nano machines for manifestation and these machines, if working properly covert these energies into our aura, the energy field around us. The aura transfer these desires to nature for manifestation and this happen with chakra machines.
If our subtle nano machines are not works properly then field of aura become saturated with energies and manifestation of desires will not happen around. Now system of senses and formation of desires is going on and more desires are awaiting for manifestations through these nano machines. Now as these nano machines are not working at their speeds. In this case the awaiting energies went back to the body and starts converting into diseases.
To correct these energies we need to correct these nano machines. These nano machines are rotating at their frequencies. We need to maintain their frequencies. There are certain psychological practices to maintain the speeds of these nano machines. These nano machines can be controlled through our own energy, our ‘I-ness’. Our ‘I-ness’ can be developed with the power of our awareness.
To be aware all the time is the best way of controlling these nano machines. There should be always a check on us. Always be conscious. Always ask yourself ‘Am I conscious?’ is the best way to develop the power of awareness.
This developed power of awareness should be applied to different nano machines to correct their working. There are certain helping tools to develop the awareness. Yogic Sleep, Yoga, Breathing Techniques, meditation. Main purpose of these techniques is to withdraw energy from our sensual field and keep it at the source which is our ‘I-ness’.
These researches have been confirmed with the help of Kirlian photography. Pictures of aura has been taken with the help of Kirlian Camera. It is also found there that first disease if formed in form of energy and then it manifested in mind then on body.