Chakra - Important Tips
Chakra are rotating at different speeds in different directions. This is much important to know about the direction of a chakra. Because after knowing about direction we can work on speed of a chakra.
In chakra meditation we just put our awareness or mind on a particular chakra and after some time that particular chakra started activated. Here below I am giving details.
Mooladhara - Anti-Clockwise
Swadhisthana - Clockwise
Manipura - Anti-Clockwise
Anahata - Clockwise
Vishudhi - Anti-Clockwise
Ajna - Clockwise
Sahastra - Anti-Clockwise
Now if we work on different chakras as per their directions of rotation it will gives us immediate results.
Which chakra is more active in you. You can ask me. You just have to send your latest picture and your consent.
Chakra are rotating at different speeds in different directions. This is much important to know about the direction of a chakra. Because after knowing about direction we can work on speed of a chakra.
In chakra meditation we just put our awareness or mind on a particular chakra and after some time that particular chakra started activated. Here below I am giving details.
Mooladhara - Anti-Clockwise
Swadhisthana - Clockwise
Manipura - Anti-Clockwise
Anahata - Clockwise
Vishudhi - Anti-Clockwise
Ajna - Clockwise
Sahastra - Anti-Clockwise
Now if we work on different chakras as per their directions of rotation it will gives us immediate results.
Which chakra is more active in you. You can ask me. You just have to send your latest picture and your consent.