Friday, January 3, 2014

How is japa a very powerful method of attaining both chitta-suddhi (purity of mind) and chitta-ekagrata (single-pointedness of the mind)?

In practice of ‘japa’ the seeker continuously and consciously repeats the name of one’s Ista-devta like Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Allah O Akbar and so on. The principle behind the practice of japa is that by continuous and conscious repetition of a word or words the mind become single-pointed.
Mind is a stream of continuous thoughts. If there are so many thoughts in mind than it called as agitated mind and when thoughts reduced to very minimum, state of single-pointedness is attained. So,  with ‘japa’ one is trying to give a single thought to one’s mind.
In ‘japa’ one chants God’s name or concentrates on the qualities of God. So, when one chant the Lord’s name the Lord’s divine form and qualities will come to the mind and the mind naturally gets filled with devotion and purity because the psychological dictum is : ‘as we think, so we become.
Thus japa becomes and effective technique to purify one’s mind as well as to lasting concentration. The spiritual practice of japa is accorded a very high position in all religions because it bestows the twofold results of chita-ekagrata and chitta-suddhi.    

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